Picture of Tom Collinge

Tom Collinge

Tom is the Head of Policy and Comms at Progressive Britain.
Tom Collinge

Explainer: The Government’s Rwanda ‘Deal’

This week the government of the United Kingdom has spent most of its energy putting forward and defending a new bill which it says will enable the deportation of illegal immigrants to Rwanda.  Labour do not back the plan, Yvette Cooper has said the Party will “replace” the scheme, but

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Tom Collinge

What, if anything, should we learn from Uxbridge?

Despite the historic win in Selby, the result in Uxbridge and South Ruislip is disappointing. Labour had a fantastic candidate in Danny Beales, with a moving personal story and a proven record – even saving a police station in the middle of the campaign. It had a huge surge of

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Image of snowy houses
Tom Collinge

How to tackle the energy poverty crisis?

What is the crisis? Charities and consumer rights bodies have warned that a 51% rise in the energy price cap planned for April will mean “people will be left unable to eat regularly or could even be at risk of death from the cold.” Proposals to respond to this hike

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Rachel Reeves responding to the Autumn 21 budget
Tom Collinge

Budget 21: Productivity politics

Yesterday was a far bigger budget than many in the know had expected. Analysis about what it all means for the economy is still trickling though from the Resolution Foundation, IFS and others as I write. On the day, there’s very little economics to be talked about as nobody really

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