Write For Us

Progressive Britain has published work by some of the most interesting and influential people working in and around politics today. We are looking for exciting thinkers with fresh ideas and perspectives on social democracy and progressive thinking in the UK and around the world. 

How Can I Contribute?

Please discuss your idea with us before putting pen to paper as we cannot guarantee to publish unsolicited pieces.

We want clear and concise pieces of around 700 words but are open to discussing length and structure if there is a good reason. Please include links and references to support your claims where possible.

See examples of the writing we publish. Contact us to discuss a piece

What Topics Are We Interested In?

Progressive Britain’s work comes under five headers set out here, if your idea couldn’t fit under one of these headers we are not likely to publish your piece.

Rebuilding Labour and the Nation

What will make the UK Labour party an effective electoral force and what policies are likely to be effective and popular when it comes to rebuilding the UK post-austerity/covid-19?

A New Economic Settlement

Renewal of social democratic politics requires a new economic vision - where the state takes a proactive role in shaping an economy that delivers sustainable and inclusive growth with opportunities for all. What might this look like in practice and what are the implications for workers, employers and government?

The Progressive Case for Place

We're asking what the Labour vision for 'place' is: from the services on offer, to the jobs, economy, quality of life, community and democracy that help define and sustain the places where we live.

Rethinking Labour's Past

To better understand the span of Labour history and its effects on contemporary British politics, we are looking for fresh thinking and analysis of various traditions, themes and individuals.

Labour's Five Missions

What will Labour's Five Missions look like in practice? What are the barriers and constraints to a Labour government implementing the Missions and how could these constraints be overcome.

State of the Left

State of the Left (SOTL) provides snapshots of progressive politics and ideas in different parts of the world. Currently we are focusing on progressives in power around the world, how they meet the challenges they face, and the lessons they offer to the Labour party in the UK.