Picture of Paul Richards

Paul Richards

Paul Richards is an author, broadcaster, and regular columnist for Progressive Britain.
Paul Richards

Getting a grip

If last week was about first-day-at-school selfies, and for some, red boxes, then this week is about the hard yards of change. The thrill of a new government is fleeting, and soon people want to see what difference their votes will make. Making a difference is hard. The Tories may

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Paul Richards

Whatever happens in the locals, the task remains huge.

The Labour election broadcast in election week has a simple message: if you voted for Boris in 2019, it’s safe to come over to Labour. This was supported by the beautifully stage-managed defection of Dr Dan Poulter, a former Conservative health minister, to Labour last weekend. It was greeted by

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Paul Richards

Be trusted, and be seen to be trusted: Labour and policing

Public trust in the police is crumbling. The YouGov monthly tracker shows that people believing the ‘police are doing a good job’ has declined from 77% in December 2019 to 50% in January 2024. Those who think the ‘police are doing a bad job’ have increased from 17% to 40%

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Paul Richards

The Battle for the Don’t Knows

It is hard to start 2024 without a spring in the step. Labour is roughly 20 points ahead of the Conservatives, with healthy leads on the economy, crime, and the NHS. The received wisdom is that there will be a change of government this year, even if Rishi Sunak pushes

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Paul Richards

Breakthrough By-Elections: The Big Picture of Labour’s Modernisation

Peter Kyle MP, the man who masterminded Labour’s breathtaking win in Mid-Beds, has called the result ‘a political earthquake’. But he’s wrong. It’s much bigger than that. An earthquake may shake the walls, knock over a few vases, and take down some buildings. The results from Mid-Bedfordshire and Tamworth are

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Paul Richards

Ten ways to tell if Labour is ready to govern…

As the Tories implode into a farrago of populist nastiness and broken promises, with Liz Truss as their spirit guide, attention turns to whether Labour is ready to govern. Labour’s conference in Liverpool is the last one before the voters make up their minds about whether they trust us or

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Paul Richards

Two Cheers for the House of Lords

If you’ve bumped into a Labour member of the House of Lords recently, they have a somewhat haggard look. The reason is not end-of-term revelry but successive late nights holding the Government to account over its Illegal Migration Bill. Since June, when the House of Lords stayed up until 4.16am

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Glastonbury festival in dark blue with mint green sky. Text: "Paul on Politics"
Paul Richards

The Big Lie: the conspiracies that infect the left

The organisers of the Glastonbury festival join a lengthening list of conspirators, including the CIA, World Bank, Bilderberg Group, MI5, the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Parliamentary Labour Party, and Paul Mason, in preventing the British people from hearing the TRUTH. The ‘truth’ is that Jeremy Corbyn was

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