Picture of Hannah O’Rourke

Hannah O’Rourke

Hannah O’Rourke is a co-founder of Campaign Lab, co-author of 'Reorganise: 15 Stories of Workers fighting back in a digital age' and a lecturer in Political Organising at the London College of Political Technology. She is an advisor to the Civic AI Observatory and on the advisory board of Labour for the Long Term. She was formerly the director of Labour Together and convened the 2019 Labour Election Review.
Hannah O’Rourke

Sunak’s AI Safety Summit: Who gets a seat at the table?

Ignoring the hype about Elon Musk’s attendance, this week’s AI safety summit is serious business. It marks the first significant diplomatic interventions on AI, and therefore is likely to frame globally how the world’s governments might respond to this technology. There have been some welcome but tentative government interventions so

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