Oldham: Proud, Ambitious and Together.

In recent years, the forces of identity politics have threatened to divide communities across our nation. This approach, at its most basic and harmful, seeks to put us against each other, fostering fear, resentment and mistrust.
It’s become the preferred approach of populists seeking political support rather than creating meaningful solutions to Britain’s challenges. They offer oversimplified answers to complex issues, often by blaming immigration and targeting people of colour as the dividing line. Their frequent refrain, ‘it isn’t your fault, it’s theirs,’ sows discord and deepens divisions, making it seem as though these groups are the root of all problems, rather than addressing the real, underlying issues.
Equally, identity politics has been exploited by malignant forces both within and around communities. These groups use it to build walls between people, frustrate cooperation, and spread mistruths, all in the pursuit of constructing new power bases that serve their own interests. They manipulate legitimate concerns and grievances, twisting them into tools for division rather than dialogue. Instead of fostering understanding and collaboration, they capitalise on fear and anger, making it harder for communities to work together on common goals.
This exploitation is not just limited to one side; it can be found across the political spectrum, where different factions use identity politics to entrench their influence and undermine the unity that is essential for addressing the real challenges we face.
Advocates of identity politics – and their followers who relish the disorder it creates – want to maintain the tension and anxiety we have unfortunately seen on the streets of other towns across the country this Summer.
But there is hope. Here in Oldham, we have fought back against identity politics and its most invidious actors. We’ll keep working on building a strong, united community instead of letting society break down into isolated, self-centred individuals.  If we focus only on ourselves, we lose the important connections that bind us together as a society.
We know, from decades of experience, that we make the most progress when we work together to achieve shared goals, when we have clear and common ambitions for our town and its residents, and when we are loudly proud of the wide spectrum of communities, people and groups who make up towns like Oldham.
We know we are all better when we are together, and we will continue to seek, promote and champion those in our community who are looking to bring us together rather than those who sow division, hate or animosity. Our strength lies in our unity. Together, we can ensure that Oldham remains a place where everyone feels at home, where we are all proud to belong.
Let’s keep building a future that honours our past, celebrates our present, and embraces the potential of our shared tomorrow. Because we are Oldham – proud, ambitious, and together.


  • Cllr Arooj Shah

    Cllr Arooj Shah is the leader of Oldham Council in Greater Manchester and Chair of Labour’s National Constitutional Committee. She holds various national positions including being a commissioner on the Gordon Brown Commission on the UK’s future.

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