Fair Competition for Fair Growth

The Labour Party leadership has made it clear that accelerating economic growth is central to everything they want to achieve and a necessary precursor for achieving their ambitions in government. The relationship between government and business is at the heart of this mission.

Building and facilitating good, successful, strong British businesses of all sizes will be central to helping achieve this vision for the UK. In particular, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) need government support to make the most of green tech revolution and compete in the global marketplace.

In the following series of essays, three Labour supporting organisations are coming together to pool insight and ideas on how the Party can support these SMEs to deliver green, local, growth. Key to this is bringing forward policy ideas that:

  • Remove horizontal and vertical barriers to competition
  • Enhance business governance and resilience
  • Tackle perverse tax and investment structures

This project will accompany a series of events, which together aim to look at the issues from all sides, scoping the critical areas for further, deeper, work.

Between David and Goliath: Why Labour should improve dispute resolution for SMEs
"Nothing is certain except death and taxes."
Using competition policy to support SME productivity
The role of venture capital in making Britain an attractive place for SMEs
The importance of social mobility
Employee ownership, start-up help, child bonds: Ideas for a Labour economy
Small and medium manufacturers are critical to growth, resilience and reaching net zero
The age of climate capitalism: where do SMEs fit within a net zero industrial strategy?
