Progressive Britain History Project, Ep 6: Women in Politics
Progressive Britain History Project hosts Laura Beers and Steven Fielding, speak to Dr Emma Lundin, Senior Lecturer at Malmo University in Sweden, about women in politics.
Progressive Britain History Project hosts Laura Beers and Steven Fielding, speak to Dr Emma Lundin, Senior Lecturer at Malmo University in Sweden, about women in politics.
Progressive Britain History Project hosts, Laura Beers and Steven Fielding, speak to professor of modern and contemporary history at Oxford Brookes, Glen O’Hara, about Harold Wilson’s impact and legacy both as a prime minister and leader of the Labour Party.
Simon Hannah, author of ‘A Party With Socialists In It: A History Of The Labour Left’ and ‘Can’t Pay Won’t Pay: The Fight To Stop The Poll Tax’, discusses the history, impact, failures and future of the Labour left with Progressive History Project hosts Laura Beers and Steven Fielding.
Laura Beers and Steven Fielding speak about former chancellor and Labour leader, Hugh Gaitskell, to Greg Rosen, chair of the Labour history group & the Fabian Society research committee and editor of the Dictionary of Labour Biography. They examine his leadership, his disputes with Nye Bevan and the Labour left and his legacy today.
Joe speaks to Lord Peter Hain, who grew up in South Africa under apartheid rule before leaving for London with his family, was a leader in the protests against the South African cricket and rugby tours of the 60s and 70s. He then went on to become an MP, Secretary
Laura Beers and Steven Fielding, hosts of the Progressive Britain History Project, speak to Lecturer in Modern History at the University of London , Lise Butler, about Labour’s relationship with inequality and meritocracy and where the party stands on the issues now.
The first in a mini-series hosted by Henna Shah and Cllr Amina Ali focusing on mental health and wellbeing. Henna and Amina spoke to Alison McGovern, shadow sports minister, about the relationship between wellbeing, the olympics, racism, housing, mental health policy and more…
https://media.acast.com/progressivebritain/progressivebritainhistoryproject-ep1-theprogressivedilemma/media.mp3 Laura Beers and Steven Fielding, hosts of the Progressive Britain History Project, speak to political scientist and professor of Politics at the University of Sheffield, Andrew Gamble, about the progressive dilemma popularised by David Marquand in his 1991 book of the same name.
https://media.acast.com/progressivebritain/thewhatandwhyofthecac-withmarywimburyandshamatatler/media.mp3 Frankie speaks to CAC candidates, Mary Wimbury and Shama Tatler, about what the CAC is for and why they’re standing for the committee.
https://media.acast.com/progressivebritain/uspoliticswithandylaub/media.mp3 Joe speaks to next gen fellow at Foreign Policy for America, Andy Laub, about the current state of US politics, the legislation going (or rather not going) through congress, and the big challenges facing Biden and Harris on immigration and foreign policy.